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Sharknado Not Real Firenado Very Real

You’ve heard of Sharknado, right? A series of movies in which a monstrous storm devastates Los Angeles and tornados sweeping up sharks, leaving the streets flooded and infested. Serious nightmare material…and lots of fun onscreen…but not real.

You know what is real??? A Firenado! That’s right…a tornado or a waterspout that is on fire. The Weather Channel has this amazing video that shows a firenado in action.

A Jim Beam factory was hit by bad weather and the storm sent 800,000 gallons of bourbon into a nearby lake. A bolt of lightning set it on fire. But wait there’s more!!! A tornado then passed through the area and swept up much of the burning bourbon into the air…creating a fire-nado!

The pond kept the fire contained and it was eventually put out. Some of the bourbon contaminated a nearby river as well, killing fish in the area so Jim Beam helped with the clean up costs. Insert your “waste of good bourbon” joke here…or just weep quietly.

Kurt Shriner:
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