Friday, July 26, 2024



No Script Could Do Trump Presidency Justice

Erik Kuselias takes the bullet points from the last ten years of American politics and tries to imagine it as a movie script.  Would audiences have believed, before it happened, that the 2008, 2012, and 2016 presidential elections were real? 

Former Special Ops Official ‘Shocked’ Trump White House Isn’t Considering Stripping...

President Donald Trump is considering revoking the security clearances of former CIA Director John Brennan; Comey; former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; former Director of National Security Michael Haden; former National Security Adviser Susan Rice; and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

DOJ Relinquishes More Docs Related To Clinton Probe Following GOP Threats

DOJ has partially complied subpoenas from the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees on probes related to both probes, according to a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan. Lawmakers threatened to hold officials at the department in contempt of Congress until the documents were delivered.

FBI Sat On Weiner Probe For A Month To Prioritize Russia...

FBI Sat On Weiner Probe For A Month To Prioritize Russia Probe. The FBI could have held off on saying anything about the Clinton email scandal till after the election.

FBI chief says he had to tell Congress of Clinton email...

WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday he believed it would have been "catastrophic" to keep Congress in the dark about new...

Clinton: Lots of blame to go around for her loss...

NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that she's taking responsibility for her 2016 election loss but believes misogyny, Russian interference and questionable...