Surviving Last-Minute Christmas Shopping

Christmas is six days away, and shops are full of last-minute shoppers trying to find that perfect gift. If you’re one of those shoppers don’t worry, we’ve put together a list of tips to survive the dreaded last minute Christmas shopping.

  1. Shop Online.We can’t express enough how easy it is to purchase Christmas gifts online. Not only is it sometimes cheaper (especially if you’re a rewards member and receive exclusive deals), but it saves you the headache of dealing with the chaos in stores.

    Besides Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the holidays tend to be a popular time for Amazon. If you’re a Prime member, then you’re still in luck. Ordering from Amazon Prime this week will still ensure you get the gift in time for Christmas. In fact, you’ll even have time to wrap the gift and stow it under the tree, so no one in the house realizes how last minute your gift shopping was. But my favorite reason for buying Christmas gifts online is that I can send the gift directly to my family members who live out of state. Sure they aren’t getting a fancy wrapped package, but hey a gift if a gift, mainly when I just bought it two days before Christmas (shhhh!).

    Outside of Amazon, a lot of retailers offer rush processing and overnight shipping so you’ll receive your gifts in time. Plus stores like JCPenney offer an extra 25 to 30 percent on for online sales only during the holidays. Can’t beat that.

    Photo: JCPenney website.
  2. Take advantage of extended hours. 

    Most retailers and malls open for extended hours during the holiday rush. Take advantage of that. While it isn’t always ideal, shopping later at night usually means fewer shoppers. A lot of people find it more convenient to shop on their way home from work or on their way to work so avoid typical ‘rush hours’ and shop during the more odd times.

  3. Get creative. 

    While Christmas is the holiday of giving, it doesn’t necessarily mean giving an arm and a leg. Get creative and think outside of the box. Your gift doesn’t have to be an expensive piece of jewelry or the newest XBOX. DIY gifts are just as thoughtful and sometimes more meaningful. Instead of fighting other last-minute shoppers for the last chocolate fondue machine, go to the grocery store and buy some strawberries and fudge and make your significant other chocolate covered strawberries.

  4. Shop in pairs or groups. 

    This is my biggest piece of advice when it comes to shopping during hectic times. I advise shopping in pairs or groups when your doing last minute Christmas shopping or even Black Friday shopping. Check out lines can be atrocious so be smart. If you already know what you’re looking for or have an idea of what you want to get then send one person to the check out line while you grab the items you need.If you don’t have an idea of what you’re getting or looking for then don’t send your shopping buddy to the check out lines yet. Having an extra set of eyes helps when it comes to finding that perfect gift.

  5. Be merry. 

    Remember it’s the holidays. While the stores are full, employees are tired, and you’re stressing a gift, don’t forget to smile and still be merry.

Good luck and Happy Holidays!