Categories: Florida

Banishing the stigma of network marketing

Tampa – Billy Womack understands your skepticism about network marketing. He was once a person who attributed the industry to irrelevant hype about unnecessary products that involved nagging family and friends for sales and sign-ups. But Womack is a lifelong entrepreneur who was intrigued by curiosity. He conducted research, learned that some of the world’s most successful businesspeople (Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates among others) were active in network marketing and entered the field himself. Now one of the rising members of the ViSalus team in Florida, the 40-year-old Womack has launched a new website (www.billywomack.com) that mentors individuals who are interested in exploring network marketing.

“At first, I didn’t want to hear anything about network marketing. I didn’t want to be a salesman to all of my friends. I thought it was all a bunch of hype,” Womack explained. “But something kept gnawing at me. It’s funny how we label and judge things we don’t know anything about. I wanted to find out more.”

Womack served for four years in the United States Air Force and then joined GTE (now Verizon), working his way to the company’s No. 2 revenue-producing salesman in the world and the company’s Rookie of the Year award in his first year. Womack’s path led him into a business that designed websites for professional athletes, which resulted in an expanded opportunity to coordinate and host parties for celebrities.

Fast forward to 2013. Earlier this year, ViSalus eclipsed $1 billion in product sales in three years from its weight loss products. Womack spent time in sales roles before learning about ViSalus from a friend, two-time Olympian champion bodybuilder and fitness model Jenny Lynn. It was Lynn who recognized Womack’s entrepreneurial drive and persuaded him to join the ViSalus team.

“I’m passionate about ViSalus because it is not a company that emphasizes products. It inspires and motivates through the Body by Vi 90-Challenge, which is creating healthy lifestyles,” Womack said. “Diets are not always effective, but adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes fitness, nutrition and positive thinking is lasting and produces results.”

Positive thinking, Womack points out, is directly related to success in network marketing and represents how the industry can transform lives.

“If you really want to break free from the boundaries and restrictions of the life you’re currently living, you’re going to have to do something completely different. You’re going to have to do something disruptive,” Womack said. “For me, network marketing was my ticket to that something. And as a network marketing mentor, I am devoted to helping eliminate the hesitation people might have about it and realize their potential.”

Finding a company in which you believe is essential, Womack believes. The company behind the Body by Vi™ Challenge, a 90-day personal health and lifestyle transformation platform, ViSalus is committed to helping adults and children alike. Stunningly, at least half of the children in America are overweight, obese, malnourished or afflicted with nutritional deficiencies. Limited healthy food options, and bad choices from children and their parents, contribute to the aforementioned problem. Womack points to a program called Project 10 as one of ViSalus’ key initiatives to encourage healthy lifestyles for children.

“I am passionate about helping children and adults who are battling obesity, and helping everyone lead a healthier lifestyle,” Womack said. “With ViSalus, we bring people products that enhance their quality of life, and that is gratifying.

“You will be limited in this industry only by your own belief system,” Womack added. “If you can learn to believe in yourself. If you can begin to see yourself experiencing the level of success you desire, you will achieve it.”



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