Friday, July 26, 2024

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Tag: Bill Nelson

DeSantis, Scott Win Tight Key Races For Republicans

In the past few elections, Florida has been so close that one percentage point has separated the two closest candidates. Watching Election Night was a matter of watching that percentage point waver.

As Florida Goes, So Goes The Country

It’s showtime for the 2018 midterm elections, where polls and media contend a “Blue Tide” is going to sweep across the country and the Democrats will reclaim the House of Representatives. The only problem is the media has never met a president like Donald Trump, nor do they understand the country’s sense of priorities, where the citizenry prefers peace and prosperity over turmoil.

Vote Like The World Is Watching, Pinellas County

On Tuesday, when America goes back to the polls for the 2018 midterm elections, the political pundits of the country will circle a few places and focus on them as particularly interesting. These are the battleground states, of which Florida is one. Within these battleground states are the specific counties that, for whatever reason, weigh particularly heavily into the decision.
Gillum Florida

New Poll Shows Gillum, Scott Leading

A new poll shows a slight edge for Gov. Rick Scott over U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., in one of the most important Senate races in the nation while Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum is ahead of former U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., in the gubernatorial race.
Ford TRUMP Cohen has Trump mad

Trump’s Battle With Puerto Rico Could Be Costly For Scott And...

Both men quickly distanced themselves from President Trump who they have been backing in their respective campaigns.

Have The Russians Hacked Florida Voting Machines?

Florida Senator Bill Nelson was quoted in the Tampa Bay Times that Russia has hacked our Florida voting system.

Florida Politics Weekly Roundup: Silly Season Turns Toxic

Slinging possums, eating corn dogs and navigating putrid waters --- all in the dog days of summer --- are just a few of the extremes Florida candidates are going to as they try to emerge victorious at the ballot box.

The Trump Show Comes To Tampa And What A Show It...

President Donald Trump hit town yesterday and was greeted at the airport by longtime supporters Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, joined by Congressman Gus Bilirakis and Matt Gaetz, two Florida Republicans running for re-election.

Weekly Florida Political Roundup: “The Heat Is On”

On Tuesday, FSU President John Thrasher announced that a statue of Francis Eppes, a grandson of founding father Thomas Jefferson, would be relocated from the university’s Legacy Walk, where it has been since 2002. Thursday night, the move took place.

Sen. Bill Nelson Helps Lead Senate Democrats In Fight Over Supreme...

0 Florida Senator Bill Nelson joined his fellow Democrats in vowing to fight to keep President Donald Trump from naming a replacement for Supreme Court...