Obama Makes Rare Visit To Pentagon To Discuss ISIS

“There will be setbacks as well as progress,” says President Obama of the fight against ISIS. The president was briefed at the Pentagon Monday, and later spoke about the need to be vigilant about countering ISIS gains in territory…and recruiting. ISIL’s has been particularly effective at reaching out to and recruiting vulnerable people around the world including here in the United States, and they are targeting Muslim communities around the world.

Surrounded by top military officials in the Pentagon Briefing Room President Obama reaffirmed that sending U.S. ground troops to fight ISIS is not the answer to defeating the terror group and noted how the lone wolf terror threat in the US remains a difficult one to track.

In response to a question President Obama said sending US troops to fight ISIS was not discussed at today’s Pentagon briefing. He said the “strong consensus” among his advisers is that the best way to fight ISIS is to develop local security forces.

ABC’s Karen Travers joined us to discuss.