Shut Down Becomes Factor In Election

2016_election_2013The federal government shutdown is playing out immediately on the campaign trail.

In Virginia, which holds a gubernatorial election in five weeks, the campaigns of Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and businessman and former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe are both trying to use the shutdown, which began at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, to their advantage.

“As our nation is on the brink, Ken Cuccinelli’s silence has made it clear that he fully supports his extreme Tea Party allies’ efforts to shut down the government in an effort to advance their own ideological agenda,” said McAuliffe spokesperson Josh Schwerin, in an email blasted to reporters Monday evening.

And the campaign put out a web video that describes how 150,000 Virginians could be furloughed and then showcases a clip of McAuliffe saying, “Ken Cuccinelli needs to explain why he will not speak out to protect Virginia’s jobs.”


Source: CNN