Democratic Candidate Will Drop Out Of Lawsuit Against Gov

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — One-time Democratic candidate George Sheldon is dropping out of a lawsuit that contends Florida Gov. Rick Scott is failing to report his actual wealth.

Sheldon ran unsuccessfully last year for attorney general. Last October he sued Scott and said he wasn’t following the state’s financial disclosure requirements.

But Sheldon is moving to Illinois to take over as director of the Department of Children and Family Services in that state. Sheldon held a similar position in Florida under then-Gov. Charlie Crist.

The lawyer handling the lawsuit against Scott says it will move forward. Former Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Jim York is going to take Sheldon’s place as the main person pushing the lawsuit.

A spokeswoman for Scott has previously called the lawsuit a “frivolous partisan attack.”

Allison Leslie is a University of South Florida graduate with a bachelors degree in Mass Communications. She joined Genesis in 2016. With a passion for sports, Allison has interned with 620 WDAE, Pewter Report, Trifecta Team: St. Petersburg Bowl, Bullscast, and many other publications. Being a native to the Bay Area, she has followed and supported Tampa Bay teams her whole life.