Harriet Tubman To Be On $20 Bill

U.S. paper money is getting a historic makeover: Harriet Tubman will become the first African-American to adorn U.S. currency.

So says U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who says Tubman, an African-American abolitionist who was born a slave, will be featured on the front of the $20 bill. She will also be the first woman depicted on U.S. currency in 100 years. She will replace President Andrew Jackson, who will move to the back of the bill.

In addition, the back of the $10 bill will be redesigned with leaders of the suffrage movement. Critics, however, maintain that the $20 makeover isn’t scheduled until 2030, that another Treasury Secretary can always alter the plan before then, and that Lew blew it by not putting Tubman on the $10 bill, whose makeover is coming much sooner.

ABC’s Megan Hughes joined us from Washington D.C.