The Captains America Show 2/2

Do we really need to Build a whole new Pier? Does Obama’s Refinancing have hidden Details?  Chime in >1-866-977-4820

Today on the Show, Captain will be talking with the Heritage Foundation’s David John about Obama’s housing proposal:

 David John is one of five experts who “exert more influence” on the Social Security debate than anyone else in Washington – and he is The Heritage Foundation’s lead analyst on issues relating to pensions, financial markets and institutions, banking regulation, asset building, and Social Security reform.

3:05pm –

[audio:1470/Captain/DavidJohn-Heritage020212.mp3|titles=David John Heritage foundation Interview on The Captains America]

There will also be a strong discussion on the $50 million taxpayer funded St Pete Pier.

Ilana Freedman will be discussing our foreign affairs with the Middle East as she gives her Intel for Matt to analyze.Listen right here!

3:35pm –  

[audio:1470/Captain/IlanaFreedman-Intel020212.mp3|titles=Illana Freedman Intel Interview on The Captains America]

There will also be a strong discussion on the $50 million

Chris Markowski will be talking with Matt about the Economy, Govt, and Taxes. This guy knows his numbers, so check it out and see if you have some of your own input.

4:35pm –

[audio:1470/Captain/ChrisMarkowski020212.mp3|titles=Chris Markowski Interview on The Captains America]