Sistine Chapel Pollution Issues Resolved

Preserving the Sistine Chapel


With millions of tourists visiting the Sistine Chapel each year, it is no wonder the Vatican museum had to find a new way to preserve the art work from falling apart. It was reported back in 2010, the frescoes changing into a type of white powder due to the air pollution brought in from tourists passing.

sistine chapel

ABC News writes, “The concern was not just aesthetic but also the danger for the integrity of the paintings,” said Vittoria Ciminio, who is in charge of the Vatican Museums’ conservation department.

The powder is believed to have been made up of , “calcium carbonate and calcium bicarbonate deposits, believed to have formed from the increasing levels of carbon dioxide.”

It was also reported by CNN, the Sistine Chapel will now include newer technology to help preserve the paintings. The technology includes a new heating and cooling system as well as 7,000 LED lights. This way, the place can now continue to hold a large of amount of traffic without damaging anything.

While there are no intentions of closing it off to the public, there will be a limit of six million visitors per a year according to Antonio Paolucci.

Do you think the Sistine Chapel should have a limit capacity per a year? Write your thoughts and comments below.