New Laws Being Rolled Out In Florida Today


Florida is rolling out a number of new laws effective October 1. Most of which are meant to protect children and keep families safe, as well as tourists.

Tourists spend $200 million per day in Florida, so it’d help if Florida was known for a safe state for tourists. But in terms of parasailing, for instance, six participants have died since 2001.

But now, new laws regarding parasailing are being put into effect. Those include parasailing boats to have weather radios and insurance. They also can’t operate in high winds now.

New laws are being handed down to sex offenders. The sentencing is tougher, and so is the registration and reporting.

There are now also larger punishments for teachers taking advantage of students.

Another new law punishes pimps who take women as sex slaves.

If you live off the proceeds of human trafficking, or you scar or “brand” a victim, your penalty is harsher. There’s also no longer a time limit on when people can be prosecuted for trafficking.