Wife Of Dolphins Player Arrested Outside Stadium

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) _ The wife of Miami Dolphins cornerback Brent Grimes was arrested in the stadium parking lot shortly before the team’s loss to the Buffalo Bills, and she hurt her right knee and arm in a confrontation with police.

Miko Grimes faces charges of disorderly conduct, battery on a police officer and resisting arrest with violence. A police report says Grimes was walking into vehicular traffic on Sunday and was arrested after she disobeyed an officer’s command to stop. Police say she remained combative even after being handcuffed.

Brent Grimes is a Pro Bowl cornerback, and his wife is well-known in South Florida thanks to her Twitter site. She offers frequent opinions about the Dolphins, their fans and the NFL and has nearly 11,000 followers.

A Dolphins official said the team was aware of the incident and had no comment.

The Dolphins lost to the Bills 41-14.