Marco Rubio Will Announce Monday His Run For The White House

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida will announce on Monday that he is joining fellow GOP Senator’s Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas in a run for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination. Sen. Rubio will make his announcement at 5:30 p.m. at the Freedom Tower in Miami, a building the U.S. government used to process Cuban refugees after Fidel Castro seized power in 1959.

Rubio’s fellow Floridian, former Republican Governor Jeb Bush, has formed an exploratory committee but has yet to make his White House bid official. Although, most feel that Bush will make his announcement no later than the first week of May.

Rubio, was first elected to the Senate in 2010 but in his short time in Washington has built a very impressive following. Allies of Sen. Rubio announced that they’ve launched a super PAC to boost his campaign.

The Conservative Solutions PAC is to be run by GOP veteran Warren Tompkins, who has worked in seven Republican presidential primaries. He told the Washington Times that Sen. Rubio is the right man to lead the country.

“Support for Marco’s positive conservative vision and his potential presidential run is growing every day, and I’m honored to help in that effort,” Mr. Tompkins said in a statement. “This race will be won by the candidate with the best vision for where to take this nation and the resources to ensure that message is heard. Marco has the vision — few have laid out in as much detail where they’d like to lead this country — and we’re going to spend the next two years ensuring that the resources are there and used to effectively share that vision with voters.”

The 43-year-old father of four frequently shares the story of his parents, Cuban immigrants who moved to the U.S. in 1956 in search of better economic opportunities — a few years before the revolution brought the communists to power in their home country in 1959.

Since being elected in 2010, Mr. Rubio has played major roles in debates over immigration and national defense — most recently pushing for more military spending and warning against the Obama administration cutting a nuclear deal with Iran.





Jim Williams is the Washington Bureau Chief, Digital Director as well as the Director of Special Projects for Genesis Communications. He is starting his third year as part of the team. This is Williams 40th year in the media business, and in that time he has served in a number of capacities. He is a seven time Emmy Award winning television producer, director, writer and executive. He has developed four regional sports networks, directed over 2,000 live sporting events including basketball, football, baseball hockey, soccer and even polo to name a few sports. Major events include three Olympic Games, two World Cups, two World Series, six NBA Playoffs, four Stanley Cup Playoffs, four NCAA Men’s National Basketball Championship Tournaments (March Madness), two Super Bowl and over a dozen college bowl games. On the entertainment side Williams was involved s and directed over 500 concerts for Showtime, Pay Per View and MTV Networks.