How To Prevent Getting The Flu

Flu_Prevention_2013(CNN) — Now that we are in the height of cold and flu season, it’s time to defend yourself against the flu virus, starting with your home.

1. Control humidity
In the winter months, temperatures and humidity levels plummet to as low as 10%, which is as dry as the Sahara Desert.

2. Use UV lights
Many people may ask “how can light kill bacteria?” But if you purchase the germicidal type of UV lights, they are capable of inactivating microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.

3. Purchase an air purifier
Regular surface cleaning with a disinfectant labeled as “kills bacteria and viruses” will help remove particles that have landed on your floors, faucets, and countertops, but it is important to consider the air you breathe in your home.

4. Disinfect surfaces
This idea is likely one you’ve heard before, but it is still one of the most effective and easy flu prevention methods.

5. Wash linens
The flu virus can live on surfaces for several hours — and even longer on more porous surfaces like towels, washcloths, blankets and linens. While linens don’t need to be washed separately, it’s important that they’re not shared without being cleaned thoroughly.

Source: CNN