How To Fix SS Confounds Florida Retirees

THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Fixing Social Security is an issue that seems to be on the minds of many in the Florida retiree mecca of The Villages, if not the entire state. And voters’ proposed solutions to the problem are just as varied as those of the Republican presidential candidates.

One retiree, 76-year-old Jim Minucci, backs Mitt Romney and his idea to gradually raise the age of eligibility for younger workers.

But 89-year-old Bill LeBeau argues that retirees should get more to keep up with inflation, and he likes Newt Gingrich’s call for creating private investment accounts for younger workers.

There was less discussion of Rick Santorum’s aggressive plan to lower benefits for wealthier retirees, raise the age to qualify for full benefits, and restrict inflation increases in benefits.

via Text Search Results | AP-US–Florida-Social Security Politics.