Follow up: Moms vs Grocery Manufacturers Associates


Yes-on-522-logo-ogFrom the Food Nation Radio Network news desk:

Two weeks ago on the Food Nation Radio Network, we shared a story about Moms for Labeling; a group of concerned Seattle mothers who filed a lawsuit against the Grocery Manufacturers’ Association claiming that the GMA is acting as a Political Action Committee in its lack of support of the “I 522″ ballot initiative.

Moms for Labeling alleged that the GMA is acting improperly by not identifying member companies who have donated money for political initiatives as required by Washington state law.

The GMA fought back against Moms for Labeling, using the financial might of some of the biggest companies in the world to file a countersuit against this small group of moms.

Last Friday, Thurston County Judge handed down his decision and ruled in favor of the GMA.  Almost immediately, the GMA claimed victory over Moms, but in reading Judge Chris Wickham’s decision, the judge made it clear that his decision was based on a technicality and the calendar.

Judge Wickham ruled that Moms for Labeling, a newly formed organization, had violated state filing procedures by not waiting the required 55 days after giving notice of an action to sue.

Judge Wickham also wrote:  “So I will find that plaintiff is unable to show by clear and convincing evidence that they have a probability of prevailing on the claim — not that there isn’t merit in the underlying claim — but that they can’t get by the time limit and notice provision of the statute.”

In addition to having their lawsuit dismissed, Wickham issued Moms for Labeling a fine of $10,000 plus attorneys’ fees.