3 Men Sentenced To Prison For Bolshoi Ballet Acid Attack

russian dancers_bolshoi attack
December 3, 2013: Pavel Dmitrichenko, right, a star dancer convicted of ordering a Jan. 17 acid attack on the Bolshoi Ballet’s artistic director Sergei Filin, and Andrei Lipatov, stand in a cage at a court room in Moscow, Russia. (AP Photo)

Moscow (CNN) — Three men were convicted and sentenced Tuesday in Russia for masterminding and carrying out an acid attack on the Bolshoi Ballet’s artistic director, Sergei Filin.

Star dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko was given six years in prison for masterminding the attack, while accomplice Yuri Zarutsky was sentenced to 10 years and driver Andrei Lipatov got four years, a reporter for the official Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI) who was in court told CNN.

Filin was walking to his Moscow apartment in January when a masked assailant tossed sulfuric acid onto his face, leaving him severely burned and nearly blinded.

The case, which has been closely watched in Russia and elsewhere, has exposed the tensions and intrigues simmering below the surface at the world-renowned ballet company.

Dmitrichenko argued during his trial that he had wanted Filin to be punished in some way for failing to give him the roles he wanted; for example, by being beaten up. But, the dancer said, he did not expect Filin to be subjected to an acid attack.

Source: CNN