CFL Says It Plans To Play In 2021

A players group said they believe the CFL won’t field teams for two more years.

There was some talk about 10 days ago that the new owners of the XFL were interested in forming some sort of an alliance with the Canadian Football League in 2022. Normally, the talk about a league that was pulled from the grave, the XFL, and another league that is financially ailing, the Canadian Football League, would be just that talk. It appeared more discussions would occur. But in the interim, a former XFL player who leads a group called the United Football Players Association, Kenneth Farrow, put out a statement that there would likely be a postponement of the 2022 XFL season and that there would not be a 2021 or 2022 CFL season. Farrow played in the XFL in 2020 for Seattle.

But the CFL went to twitter quickly to knock down Farrow’s statement. The UFPA has no standing with the CFL. We, of course, bargain with the CFLPA. The claims being made in its name on our upcoming season are false. We plan to play this year. We intend to play this year. And we are working very hard towards playing this year. That includes working towards provincial and federal approvals for our health and safety plan. The Canadian Football League shutdown in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CFL did have discussions with XFL representatives. This is not the first time that a potential XFL-CFL deal has been discussed. In the late 1990s, when wrestling promoter Vince McMahon first came up with the XFL notion, he gave some thought to buying out the entire Canadian Football League but he gave up the plan and concentrated on putting out an XFL product in 2001 The CFL season is supposed to start on June 10th after a couple weeks of training camp. The XFL right now has its 2022 season plans on hold.

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