My friend was taken into custody after being arrested for DUI. How do I get them out of jail?

It is a situation that most hope never to find themselves in. Your phone rings. When you pick up the call, you hear, “You are receiving a collect call from an inmate in Orlando County Jail.” After choosing to accept the call, you hear that a close friend or loved one is anxiously asking for your help. You later find out that your friend has been arrest for driving under the influence, also known as DUI.

If you have never found yourself in this scenario before, you may feel overwhelmed and confused with a million and one questions rushing through your mind. “How do I help?” “What should I do next?” “Where should I go?” “Should I call anyone?” If a friend or loved one has been taken into custody after being arrested for DUI, you must act quickly and safely. Continue reading the article to learn about the next steps you should take so that you can get your friend out of jail.


Are You Present at the Scene of the Arrest?

If you are present when your friend is arrested for DUI, you must remain as calm and respectful as possible. Berating and yelling at the police officer who is arresting your friend will not help any party involved in this situation. Instead, if you have any questions, calmly and politely ask the officer. An important question to ask is whether or not your friend is free to go. In the event that your friend is free to go, then they are not under arrest. Conversely, if your friend is not free to go, they are being detained.

If your friend is arrested and taken to jail for DUI, reassure your friend and remind them to remain as calm as possible. At the scene of the arrest, you should also respectfully and calmly ask the police officer for the exact name of your friend’s charges. Additionally, it would be beneficial to ask the police officer what jail your friend will be taken to. To emphasize, lawyer Parikh strongly recommends remaining calm and respectful when conversing with police officers at the arrest scene.


What Will Happen to My Friend After They Are Arrested?

Every DUI case is different, with fines and jail times. Under Florida state law, various factors contribute to the number of fines an individual has to pay and the amount of jail time a person faces, such as the number of previous convictions, blood alcohol level at the time of arrest, and whether there was a minor in the vehicle. In some cases, your friend may be released from jail after completing the necessary booking procedures without having to pay anything for bond. If your friend is required to pay bail, reassure your friend that you will attempt to make bond as soon as possible. During this time, it is highly advisable to hire a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney too.


What to Do When Your Friend Calls You From Jail?

Do NOT ask your friend for specific details about what happened at the scene of the arrest. Everything that your friend says to you on the phone can and may be used against them. Instead, quickly identify where they are being held. When speaking to your friend on the phone, remember to remain calm and reassure your friend that you are there to help. Also, keep your phone charged at all times, as this will likely be the only means your friend has of contacting you.

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