GOP Challenger Holds Lead Over Dem Governor In Pivotal Swing State

Bronson Winslow 

Republican challenger Joe Lombardo leads Nevada incumbent Democrat Gov. Steve Sisolak just one week ahead of the midterms, according to a new poll.

Of 885 likely voters, 49% said they would vote for Lombardo, and 45% said they would back Sisolak, according to the NYT/Siena College poll released Monday. Lombardo, who serves as the Clark County Sheriff, had trailed behind Sisolak in the polls until October, but made up ground as Republicans nationwide surged.

Sisolak has campaigned on his support for abortion while as well as gun control policies like banning bump stocks and requiring background checks on all gun sales, according to his website. During the Nevada gubernatorial debate earlier this month, Sisolak took aim at Lombardo’s tenure as sheriff, arguing he had failed to protect Nevadans.

Lombardo, who campaigned on safety, Second Amendment rights, education and taxes, has accused Sisolak of corruption and pointed to a series of scandals during Sisolak’s tenure as governor, even launching a website dedicated to the topic.

Jobs, taxes and cost of living remained the main concern for voters, according to the poll, while abortion was the second key issue for voters, especially Democrats.

The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Lombardo 1.3 points above Sisolak, while a CBS News Battleground Tracker poll showed the candidates tied 48% to 48% earlier this month.

The poll was conducted from Oct. 19 to Oct. 24 and has a margin of error of 4.2%.

Lombardo and Sisolak did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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