Peacock is streaming the fun family film Migration


Migration the blockbuster family hit film can be streamed on Peacock and like many great titles, Peacock is the exclusive home of Illumination’s Migration, which joins fellow animated romps such as Dreamwork’s Trolls Band Together, The Lorax and the Kung Fu Panda series. 

Migration will have everyone laughing and enjoying themselves for its full 82-minute runtime. That said, the beauty of streaming a movie like Migration is that you can pause and go back to it whenever you want. But it’s nice to know what you’re in for when you fire up a movie with your loved ones. However, it’ll likely keep the good vibes going long after the credits roll.

The cast of Migration is made up of an all-star group of comedians and well-known stars. Leading them is Kumail Nanjiani, who voices Mack Mallard, the uptight family patriarch who needs to be convinced by his wife, Pam (Elizabeth Banks), to leave the comfort of their pond to allow their kids, Gwen (Tersi Gazal) and Dax (Caspar Jennings), to experience the world. Joining them is their curmudgeon relative, Uncle Dan (Danny DeVito). Together, they encounter a slew of colorful characters voiced by famous stars such as Carol Kane, Keegan-Michael KeyAwkwafina and more!