The CW may be on the verge of success, “Reign” is the network’s promising new entry centered on a teenage Mary, Queen of Scots. Set to debut Oct. 17, following the CW’s flagship “Vampire Diaries,” the pilot contains scenes that could mash even the most hardened couch-potato.
In an eyebrow-raising sequence set in the episode’s second half, Mary and friends peep at a newly married couple consummating their union in front of an audience (a practice at the time for royals who wanted to prove their line would continue); so flummoxed is one of the group that she rushes up a staircase to pleasure herself. While she is in the midst of doing so, the King happens upon her and the two become so caught up in desire they immediately proceed to have at it.
Naturally, this is still network TV, so the money shots are suggested rather than shown, but the intent is clear.
Source: Variety