Do you do camu camu?

Camu camu? What is that?

Jeff Louderback

Miracle Belt changes lives of children with sensory issues

Chances are, Matt Bruback is one of the few pitchers in professional baseball history who feels grateful about taking a…

Jeff Louderback

Prime-8 launches C.H.I.M.P. Method

Inspired by a question posed by a woman who was a personal training client

Jeff Louderback

Abortion Debate Renewed In Texas

Advocacy groups are asking a federal judge to derail a strict new Texas abortion law.

Nicole Kester

Banishing the stigma of network marketing

Billy Womack understands your skepticism about network marketing

Jeff Louderback

Boy Takes Selfie With Teacher Having Contractions

The photo has now gone viral.

News Talk Florida

Special Prosecutor Brought Into Maryville Rape Case

Jean Peters Baker was appointed the special prosecutor to look into the case of Daisy Coleman, the Maryville teenager who…

Nicole Greco

China Moves To Remove “Vulgar” Foreign-Made TV

Regulators issued broadcasters with a directive capping imported television shows to 50 episodes, with no more than 25% of a…

Nicole Greco

Japan Struggles To Clean Nuclear Mess

The site now stores 90 million gallons of radioactive water.

Nicole Greco

Fathers Very Emotional Reaction To Son’s Good Grade

A boy from the United Kingdom passes Mathematics and his father's reaction makes us wonder what kind of grades he…

Nicole Greco