Saturday, September 7, 2024

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Clearwater Redefines Relationship Between City and Tourists

In Clearwater, the Regional Chamber of Commerce is doing its best to change that relationship. The things that people plan trips down to Clearwater to see are hoping the longtime residents will come in and check out what has changed over the years.

David Bossie, Deputy Trump Campaign Manager, Discusses Tampa Rally

With the Florida primaries for both the Republican and Democratic Parties just weeks away, President Donald Trump will be in Tampa on Tuesday evening.

Chris Ingram Discusses Hillsbourough County Commissioner’s Race With Two Republican Candidates

Chris Ingram welcomed Hillsborough County Commissioner candidates Todd Marks and Aakash Patel to his show on Monday morning to discuss Hillsborough County, their platforms, and their own backgrounds in an effort to help voters make a more well-informed decision on August 26.

Is CNN ‘Out to Get’ Conservatives?

CNN has come under fire during the Trump Administration as a frequent target for the president's ire at what he dubs "fake news."  The cable network, a pioneer in television news, has few conservative voices, but one stands out in frequent political contributor Steve Cortes. 

Ben Stein Says Ferris Bueller Part Was Ad-Libbed

Economist, actor, and conservative voice Ben Stein joined The Chris Ingram Show on Wednesday to discuss a new ad urging President Donald Trump to avoid entering a trade war with China.

No Stories of Trump In Dressing Room, Says Beauty Queen

Chris Ingram of News Talk Florida 820 AM and 98.3 FM Pinellas County interviews Kailyn about her history with pageants, her small business, and what she can say about Donald Trump's time in the pageant world.