82% Say Trump Very Likely To Win

The mainstream media and GOP Establishment pundits/consultant all keep saying the same thing: Trump’s leading now, but he’s unlikely to win the GOP nomination for President.

But a Rasmussen Poll released on Friday says 82% of GOP voters in their survey think Trump is “likely” or “very likely” to receive the nomination in 2016.

“Our latest national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely Republican Voters now think Trump is likely to be the Republican presidential nominee next year, with 25% who say it’s Very Likely,” Rasmussen said in a release. “That compares to 27% who felt a Trump nomination was likely two months ago when he formally announced his presidential bid, a finding that included just nine percent (9%) who said it was Very Likely.”

Trump, the billionaire businessman and reality television star, stormed out of the gates with his candidacy announcement. His comments and proposals on illegal immigration have fueled his meteoric rise to the top of the 17-candidate deep GOP field.

Trump’s unapologetic style, refusal to bow to mainstream media pressures and political correctness has won him adulation from an American public sick of traditional politicians and bitter about the GOP backing out on all its 2014 campaign promises within weeks of winning both houses of Congress in the last election.

Additionally, 49% of all respondents in the survey — regardless of political affiliation — believe Trump will win the nomination.

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