Update: Amnesty Radical Likes Ryan For Speaker

Update: Illinois democrat Rep. Luis Gutierrez — one of the most outspoken and radical supporters of illegal immigration — is endorsing Paul Ryan for Speaker.
If rumors regarding Ryan’s support for amnesty circulate, an endorsement by Gutierrez, all confirms things.

Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, once a Tea Party favorite and now considered an GOP Establishment supporter, is being pegged as the replacement for House Speaker John Boehner.

The Establishment wing of the GOP went into full scramble mode yesterday when Kevin McCarthy — Boehner’s handpicked choice and next in the line of succession — withdrew his candidacy. McCarthy could muster only 178 votes and decided to withdraw rather than face humiliation. Rumors also swirled about an alleged affair with North Carolina Congresswomen Renee Ellmers.

Ryan is best known as Mitt Romney’s running mate in the 2014 election. He rose to prominence as a budget hawk. He was promoted heavily as a Reagan-era intern by radio host Bill Bennett, but in the end, Ryan’s stances on illegal immigration, support for “amnesty” and the TARP bailout, make him an unpalatable choice for Conservatives.

Boehner cancelled the vote after McCarthy’s announcement to provide time for the Establishment to re-assess its positions. Kansas Congressman Tim Huelskamp told radio host Mark Levin that the GOP caucus spent more time discussing how to re-start the Import-Export Bank, a U.S. Chamber of Commerce and GOP Establishment goal.

Florida’s Daniel Webster remains a candidate. While he’s not the most conservative member of the House, the Freedom Caucus conservatives favor his track record as Speaker of the Florida House. Webster gained a solid reputation as someone who abides by the rules and with resorting to dirty tricks to influence bills.

It will be interesting to see if conservatives support or rally against Ryan. Some believe Trey Gowdy is a candidate who can easily win the speakership and appease both sides.

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