Your Wake Up Call: Orlando Moves To Decriminalize Pot

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The city of Orlando is a step closer to decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, which other cities around Florida have done.

The city council’s 4-3 vote Monday in favor clears the measure for a final decision May 9. It would make possession of 20 grams (about ¾ of an ounce) or less a violation of city code carrying a $50 fine for first-time offenders.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that some opponents are concerned the new ordinance would tarnish Orlando’s family-friendly image. Supporters say minor pot arrests waste the time of police and courts and leave a harmful lasting impact on those arrested.

Under the ordinance, officers could still make arrests for small amounts of pot possession depending on the circumstances and the record of the offender.