Categories: Florida

Who Is Dr. Asa Andrew?

I have a different way of looking at health. People say that I’m simple. They say that my approach is too easy. Well truthfully, I am simple and health really is that easy. The human body is very complex; however, health is nothing more than common sense.

For many years, I have been educating people just like you about most health challenges, and just plain living the life you were designed to live. I help folks find the best health insurance policy available in America today, which is making healthy lifestyle choices, choosing health. Basically, I teach you to take responsibility for your health. It’s about lifestyle choices that make every single day. The choices we make today will determine the health we will have tomorrow. Eighty percent of the health challenges (or diseases) we face today are diet and lifestyle related. What does that mean? If we can lifestyle our way into getting sick, them we can lifestyle our way out and get well. And I lived this out first hand so I can empower you every single day.

While I was studying to become a doctor, I was part of a nationally acclaimed motivational strength and athletic speaking team. Being the smallest in stature on the team at 200 lbs, I was forced to gain weight. Rather than taking the typical shortcuts to gain outstanding physical size and going against my message to young people, I began eating massive amounts of calories. I eventually rose to 300lbs of muscle. Then I noticed my health was failing me. Bouts of fainting, night sweats, and extreme fatigue became the norm. After a visit to a physician, I found myself facing the beginning stages of a disease called diabetes. However, with the valuable information I learned in one of my many doctoral programs, I knew this was a lifestyle-related illness. So I faced a decision to either take medication or take responsibility for my own health and future. I had lifestyled my way into this health challenge of diabetes, so by radically changing my daily choices, I knew I could lifestyle my way out. I eventually lost 70 lbs yet remained very strong but now in good health. By learning from this personal health challenge and meeting many around the country who have lifestyled themselves into similar situations, it was the enlightenment I needed to blaze a trail and work to improve the health of all Americans and teach them the tools to live a life of extraordinary health.

The word “Doctor” literally means “Teacher.” My mission has always been to teach and help others achieve the life they desire. After going through much schooling, practicing in the field, and seeing how the traditional health care system worked, I was frustrated. It seemed that health was not often being taught. I knew that health had to be more than just surviving. It was more about thriving. So my question became, just how could we really achieve optimal health?   Throughout my years of research and patient care I’ve found that we spend more time trying to repair our health than preserve our health. During this time I realized a powerful, yet simple principle. Our health is our greatest wealth. From this concept I understood what people were constantly searching for. It wasn’t to look like the latest Hollywood star, but it was to live a high quality of life full of energy and vitality for as long as we are here.

So I formed our company in 2004 to educate, empower, and entertain people to take responsibility for their health and their life. I formed it to help those who were already thriving in their health and to give Hope to those struggling with most health challenges. For years I had worked with thousands of patients annually helping them find common sense answers for their health and their life. Throughout my research in various areas of health care including: nutrition, naturopathic medicine, conventional medicine, diagnostic testing, osteopathic medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, and physical therapy has provided the experience and education necessary in understanding most aspects of health and how the body works. It’s taught me that there is one promising diagnosis out there – Hope. I’ve watched my own family members die from cancer and heart disease and the grueling pain that is involved with those health challenges. Yet, I have also seen the victory of overcoming those struggling with their health. So I developed a new system based in natural, lifestyle-based principles that looks at the whole person. It is a health-care approach that blends a common sense natural-style with solid conventional evidence-based science to help many attain extraordinary health. Instead of focusing on patients’ symptoms, I wanted to understand the root of their health challenge. Health is integrative. Therefore, people must be looked at individually. I realized that all three areas had to be addressed before one could experience the vibrant health they were searching for.   Currently as a media host, author, and educator, I dedicate my time to serving you each day on our radio and television shows designed to give you relevant information to empower your health and your life. Along with our daily broadcasts, our company began a new era whereby we use these natural-based lifestyle health principles in not only teaching the public, but also connecting with health care providers how to best serve their patients in preventative, lifestyle, and wellness-based care and practice with integrity. We will continue growing each day with new ideas and ways to give you the best prognosis in life – Hope.

I was approached by a publisher to write a book that quickly became a National Best-Seller called Empowering Your Health based on principles I had learned throughout my years of practice, education, and good old common sense. A friend of mine, Dave Ramsey, helped me start a local radio call-in show called “Empowering Your Health,” now a daily nationally syndicated show.

Our short company history is full of landmarks leading up to us now having close to a million listeners, the launch of our new study curriculum, my upcoming new book, the coming release of our new TV Show– and we’re not slowing down. Our company now has a variety of products and services to help you reach your health goals.   We learned early that if we help enough people, we could make a lasting impact in communities across this nation: listeners getting a new Diagnosis of Hope, readers applying their first Daily Health Steps and changing the way they to eat following the Anti-Inflammatory Diet®, funding for Diagnosis HOPE: our non-profit organization supporting those who can’t afford health care, and empowering others to become a voice of Hope. We learned early on that if we help enough people, everything else would follow.

Our passion statement is who we are:

Get Well Media is providing biblically-based, scientifically-proven, common-sense health information to educate, empower, and equip everyone by giving the HOPE to attain and maintain an extraordinary life.

I have lectured around the country and have seen the amazing response and testimonies of lives being changed and people’s health being transformed. Our desire is to help you live the life you were designed to live. No matter what your health challenge might be. You were designed to live an extraordinary life. There is a way to a vibrant life. Our goal is to equip you by giving you the tools to restore you to be a better you… a healthier you.

There is a purpose for your life. Regardless of how you have been living, there is a more excellent way. Regardless of the challenges you are facing, there is a way out. Remember, your past does not define you. The choices that you make today, those lifestyle choices will define you.   Our team is here to serve you toward your health goals. Because remember, your health is determined by your choices. No one else can do it for you. The doctor can’t do it for you, your husband can’t do it for you, your wife can’t do it for you, your kids can’t do it for you, and your friends – they can’t do it for you either. Only YOU can take responsibility for your health. The choices you make today will determine the health you will have tomorrow.   Thank you for visiting our website! Wherever you are in the health process – beginning the journey, on the quest for extraordinary health, struggling to get your health back, absolutely thriving, or challenged in a hospital bed – let us know how we can help you take you to the next level in your health and life transformation. Remember, there is HOPE to get well, stay well, and live well.

News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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