Good morning! We have another great addition of Your Wake Up Call lined up this morning. Here’s what we’ll talk about.
Your Wake Up Call airs every weekday from 6-10 a.m. You can listen to the show here.
U.S. Troops Arrive in Iraq; White House Blames Gangs, Not Policy on Immigrant Children Problems
The first 130 American troops in uniform are setting up shop in Iraq, part of the up to 300 personnel President Obama offered to advise and assist Iraq’s military commanders. The White House says the US forces will have the same legal and diplomatic protections that embassy personnel have. The White House continues to blame criminal gangs, not Obama’s policy, for the flood of Central American children being smuggled in illegally across the US southern border. The White House says it is now starting a public education campaign in Spanish in the region to convince Latin American parents their children will never be given legal status and will eventually be deported home. At 7:10 ABC News correspondent Ann Compton joins the program.
West, Texas Blast Injuries Detailed in Report
Fourteen months after West Fertilizer Co. exploded in Central Texas, a study detailing the severity and types of injuries suffered on April 17, 2013, has been released. State health professionals and officials in the county where the explosion happened, spent months poring over autopsy reports and interviewing survivors of the blast in an attempt to determine the long-term implications of the disaster that killed 14 people. ABC’s Jim Ryan was in West soon after the explosion and discusses the results of the study.
Kerry Meets With Ukraine’s Klimkin on Latest in Region
Secretary of State John Kerry is in Brussels for NATO meetings. The main topic will be Ukraine and the alliance’s relationship with Russia. This will be Kerry’s first meeting with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin says the week long cease-fire in Ukraine should be extended and accompanied by talks. ABC’s Tom Rivers will have the latest at the Foreign Desk.
KFC Says Claim That Little Girl With “Disturbing” Mauled Face Got Kicked Out Is Bunk
First, there was a claim that an 8-year-old girl got kicked out of a KFC because customers found her scarred face “disturbing.” Then, a Mississippi newspaper accused her grandmother of a hoax — reporting, according to a source, that the tale was totally made up. The family then took to their Facebook page to say that it was indeed true and that the KFC investigation would verify their story. Well, we’re afraid not.KFC says two different investigations have not found any evidence that the charges are true and that the company considers the matter closed. At 8:10, Scott Goldberg joins us.