U.S. Embassy Official Removed In Alleged Sex-For-Visas Scandal

A State Department officer has been accused of selling visas for sex and money in what may have been a massive human trafficking operation, The Daily  Caller has learned.

The State Department acknowledged last week that one of its officials is  the target of a probe over “allegations of improprieties relating to a Consular  Officer formerly assigned to Georgetown, Guyana” without providing further  details. Local media are also claiming the official, who was recently withdrawn  from normal duties pending completion of an official  investigation, associated with drug lords as part of his visa scam.

The scandal began when executives and tourists complained that their visa  applications were being held up, and local media began reporting that a visa  official was demanding bribes and sex in exchange for visas.

The Daily Caller has identified the suspect as Edy Zohar Rodrigues Duran, formerly of Mission, Texas, and currently living in Falls Church, Virginia.

Source: dailycaller.com