Pinellas County residents can take a brief online survey to share their thoughts about what is good and what needs improvement in Pinellas County.
Citizens can take the online survey through Friday, Feb. 28, at 5 p.m. It is available at the Pinellas County website at and via, for smart phone users.
As the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners continues to set a strategic direction for the community, feedback from the survey will help setpriorities that align with the vision of the citizens they serve.
What do they want the county to be like in five years? How do they like living in Pinellas County? Does county meet their expectations regarding animal control, drinking water supply, and park maintenance?
Share your thoughts through the online survey today. For information call (727) 464-4600.
For more information on Pinellas County services and programs, visit, now with LiveChat, or create a shortcut to on any mobile device. Pinellas County government is on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Pinellas County complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Source: Pinellas County Communications