Twitter IPO Will Fail: 36% Of People On Twitter Don’t Use It


A Reuters poll this week indicating that 36 percent of the folks on Twitter don’t actually use it.

That’s concerning if you are contemplating the probable success of Twitter’s IPO and subsequent profit-making ability.

Already Twitter is smaller than its main competition (215 million users at the time of its public IPO filing in early October, compared to Facebook’s 1.15 billion).

Now if people aren’t reading headlines about it and if, indeed, not that many people are really using it, then will it actually be a viable enterprise? Will it be able to attract ad dollars and make its stock respected on Wall Street, a la Facebook (rocky start and all)?

“Facebook is have to have; Twitter is nice to have,” said Howard Anderson, founder of the Yankee Group and co-founder of Battery Venture Capital, in an interview. He noted that some advertisers will likely be interested in it and use it for specific purposes. “But it won’t be must-see TV. It will be sometimes-watch TV.”