Here it comes. Food companies have had many chances to adequately and honestly label what is in the food consumers take home to their families. Now, the same lawyers that went after the tobacco industry are demanding food companies comply with labeling laws.
Here is an excerpt from our interview with Attorney Don Barrett:
Listen Saturday afternoon at 4 on WWBA AM820 News & Sunday morning at 8 on WAMT AM1190 News and WIXC AM1060 News.
Elizabeth Dougherty has been a food writer for over 10 years, attended culinary school and holds a Bachelor’s degree, Magna Cum Laude in Hospitality, Business and Labor Relations from NYIT. She has been a talk show host of nearly 150 episodes of Food Nation Radio which airs each Saturday afternoon at 4 on WWBA AM820 News and other stations. You can read her articles and hear previous shows on her podcast page on the Food Nation Radio Network website and on Facebook.