Categories: Tampa

PM Tampa Bay And Florida Headlines


Florida’s economy looks good according to the latest University of Central Florida forecast. UCF says Florida’s gross state product, the total of goods and services produced, will rise an average of 2.9 percent a year through 2019. That means Florida will have a trillion dollar a year economy, the 16th largest in the world. The big reason for all that economic activity? retirees who need homes built.

Florida has its first Zika baby. A woman from Haiti who got the virus there was allowed to come to Florida to have her child. The baby is said to have microcephaly, or an abnormally small head with an undeveloped brain.

Police think they have the man responsible for a string of Temple Terrace arson fires. 27 year old Matthew Ethridge is charged so far with two blazes, but may have set at least two more. Cops say he admits being fascinated with fire and firefighters.

Crews are still working on that pavement depression in the right lane of I-75 near Fowler Avenue in Tampa. That could mean another round of severe traffic delays during the afternoon rush from I-4 to Fowler.

53 year old Robert Coon, hit by two cars and killed overnight while crossing Court Street in Clearwater outside the crosswalk. Both drivers stopped. Police say neither was impaired.

A 4 year old Melbourne boy drowns in the pond right behind his Ayrshire Circle home. No word if the relative who was supposed to be watching him at the time will face charges.

5 workers are recovering after near disaster at an Orlando construction site overnight. The five were pouring concrete on the fifth floor of a building when the floor gave way. The five fell 10 feet to the floor below. Code Enforcement is looking into why it happened.

Steve Summers:
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