Fernando Lamas once said, “It is better to look good than to feel good.”
The new Arctic Apple is poised to hit the U.S. market and is currently being reviewed by the USDA. The USDA is asking for public comment as to whether this apple should be in your produce aisle or not. There has been a lot of discussion about the risks vs. rewards of having a pretty apple that doesn’t brown, including its attractiveness to children who don’t necessarily understand that apples naturally oxidize, once cut.
At Food Nation Radio Network, we began researching the new apple, including any possible concerns for the general public. We found most folks writing about the Arctic Apple don’t understand the details about safety and possible health effects.
According to the Arctic Apple website, “..Arctic Apples may have more health-promoting antioxidants – opening a new chapter in apples’ health story.”
Professor Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of Genetics at the University of Western Ontario disagrees and has some grave concerns about the new Arctic Apple, including effects on antioxidants and more. You can listen to his shocking comments here:
We asked Neal Carter, founder and president of Arctic Apples to appear on the show. His respresentative wanted a list of questions first. Since we tend to come up with follow-up questions during a fluid interview, we declined to be limited to a pre-approved list of questions.
Elizabeth Dougherty has been a food writer for over 10 years, attended culinary school and holds a Bachelor’s degree, Magna Cum Laude in Hospitality, Business and Labor Relations from NYIT. She has been a talk show host of nearly 150 episodes of Food Nation Radio which airs each Saturday afternoon at 4 on WWBA AM820 News and other stations. You can read her articles and hear previous shows on her podcast page on the Food Nation Radio Network website and on Facebook.