Red Bull Sued For $85 Million In Wrongful Death


Brooklyn man killed by drinking Red Bull,

$85 million lawsuit alleges

Brooklyn father Cory Terry, 33, died during a basketball game after downing the caffeine-laden beverage — and his relatives are blaming the world’s largest energy drink maker.

Their $85 million lawsuit, to be filed Monday, is believed to be the first wrongful death suit against Red Bull.

The popular drink contains “extra stimulants that make it different than a cup of coffee,” said lawyer Ilya Novofastovsky. “They are more dangerous than what Red Bull lets on.”

Red Bull declined to address any particular case. But a spokeswoman says the company has sold some 35 billion cans in 165 countries over the past 25 years “because health authorities across the world have concluded that Red Bull Energy Drink is safe to consume.”

Source: Oren Yaniv / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS