Categories: Florida

Paul and Romney Still Spread Their Message

GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. (AP) _ Ron Paul is emphasizing his ability to collect GOP delegates as the presidential nominating contest continues.

Speaking from a campaign rally in Minnesota on Tuesday, Paul says he’s pleased with his showing in recent caucus contests.

Paul is sitting in second place behind former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum in Minnesota. The Texas congressman says he will continue to compete and collect delegates to the Republican convention. He says that’s the best way to promote his campaign’s message.

Paul is not attacking his fellow Republican candidates by name. But he says he’s the only candidate that will offer real cuts to the federal budget and is the true conservative in the race.

DENVER (AP) _ Mitt Romney says it’s been a good night for Rick Santorum, but that he still expects to become the Republican nominee for president.

After losses to Santorum in Missouri’s non-binding primary and the Minnesota caucuses — where he is in third place — Romney is congratulating the former Pennsylvania senator but continuing to focus on President Barack Obama.

Despite Tuesday’s setbacks, Romney says he is ready to lead the Republican Party and is happy to compare his record on leadership to Obama’s.

Romney, speaking from Denver on Tuesday night, focused his speech on Obama, who accepted the Democratic nomination for president in Denver in 2008.

Romney says Obama has failed to make good on his promises, especially in his pledges on economic policy.

News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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