Ocala: History Textbook Under Fire

OCALA, Fla. (AP) — Some conservative activists in the Ocala area say a state-approved textbook for 10th graders slights Christianity and Judaism while being favorably biased toward Islam.

The Ocala Star-Banner (http://bit.ly/1doZQqR) reports that Randy Osborne, chairman of the local Republican Party, told the board recently that the book’s 36 pages about Islam were actually a “propagation” of the world’s second biggest religious faith.

A spokeswoman for the publisher counters that the book meets state standards in accordance with Florida’s adopted history curriculum, which directs that Christianity and Judaism be explored more fully in earlier grades.

The critics of “World History” demanded at the School Board’s meeting in late November that the book be pulled from area schools.

A workshop with the district’s textbook selection committee has been scheduled for Jan. 30.

Source: Associated Press