Judge: Fraud Charges Possible for Clock Kid


Former New Jersey Supreme Court Justice Andrew Napolitano says Ahmed Mohammed could be liable for fraud charges if his suitcase clock is deemed to be a purposeful hoax.

“A lot of people — me among them — have to do a mea culpa. I blasted the school and I blasted the police for overracting at the time,” Napolitano said.

Update, Sept. 22: Make Your Own Clock in 20 Seconds!

Allison Leslie is a University of South Florida graduate with a bachelors degree in Mass Communications. She joined Genesis in 2016. With a passion for sports, Allison has interned with 620 WDAE, Pewter Report, Trifecta Team: St. Petersburg Bowl, Bullscast, and many other publications. Being a native to the Bay Area, she has followed and supported Tampa Bay teams her whole life.