Job Opening For Alligator Trappers in South Florida

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — State wildlife officials are looking to hire alligator trappers in Martin and Palm Beach counties to help remove alligators in developed areas.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program is accepting applications for contracted trappers. The deadline to apply is Dec. 15.

Nuisance alligator trappers are primarily compensated by their marketing and sale of alligator products — hides and meat. Trappers may also receive a small expense reimbursement from the FWC for each alligator taken.

Applicants must have a clean criminal record, no fish or wildlife law violations and a working email address. Those interested can apply online at . Click on “Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program.”

The state received over 14,000 nuisance alligator complaints in 2010.

Source: Associated Press