Rubio Starts Slow In Iowa And New Hampshire

Sen. Marco Rubio will announce his run for the White House on Monday

MIAMI (AP) – Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio’s slow-go campaign strategy is puzzling party operatives in Iowa and New Hampshire, states where voters are used to candidates showering them with attention early and often.

While some GOP hopefuls are already highlighting their progress in visiting all of Iowa’s 99 counties, Rubio’s return to the state this week marks his first stop in the caucus battleground in a month. The Florida senator hasn’t visited New Hampshire, home to the first-in-the-nation primary, since July 4, though he is expected to return before the end of August.

Rubio has visited New Hampshire just three times since announcing his campaign in early April. His stop in Iowa this week marks his fifth trip to the caucus state as a candidate.

Kurt Shriner:
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