Rubio, Jolly Different Angles on Boehner

Two Florida politicians — both indirectly linked to each other — weighed in on Friday’s resignation announcement regarding Speaker of the House John Boehner.

David Jolly, Congressman from Florida’s 13th District in Pinellas County and Senator Marco Rubio offered differing view points. Ironically, as Rubio runs for president, Jolly will seek his vacated Senate seat. Many believe former Florida governor Charlie Crist will assume Jolly’s seat as the District is re-aligned toward Democrats.

Jolly, a former lobbyist, offered comments blasting the “Freedom Caucus” within the GOP and those who support tactically “shutting down” the government during budget fights.

“The honor of John Boehner this morning stands in stark contrast to the idiocy of those members who seek to continually divide us,” said Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) “The shutdown caucus as I call them has a small victory.”

Jolly’s Conservative Ranking from ConservativeReview.com.

As Jolly ponders a more significant role in Washington and Florida politics, could he be aligning himself with the GOP Establishment? Donald Trump’s rise in current presidential polling indicates a deep-seated disdain for Establishment candidates. A recent Fox News Poll reports, 62% of GOP voters feel betrayed and much of that blame belongs to Boehner and Senate leader Mitch McConnell.

Gateway Pundit notes:

Meanwhile, Rubio broke the news of Boehner’s resignation at the Value Voters Summit in Washington.

“Just a few minutes ago, Speaker Boehner announced that he will be resigning,” Rubio said. Conservatives in attendance roared approval during a standing ovation.

Rubio deftly worked the news into a pre-planned speech questioning why a Republican Congress isn’t “able to stop our country from sliding in the wrong direction.”

Rubio selected the opposite path of Jolly: “With all due respect to people who serve in government — it is important at this moment, with respect to him and the service he has provided to our country — it’s not about him, and I’m not here today to bash anyone, but the time has come to turn the page.”

Marco Rubio’s ranking from ConservativeReview.com.

Both Rubio and Jolly will be watched in how they respond to today’s announcement. Jolly’s response will most certainly be logged and noted by opponents ahead of his Senate run.

Rubio, who continues to combat his changing patterns on illegal immigration, needs to re-affirm his Conservative credentials among the anti-Establishment sentiment brewing amid GOP voters.

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