Make Or Break Moment For Rubio Has Arrived

FISH HAWK, Fla. (AP) — Coming off what may be his worst night of the primary season, Marco Rubio’s make-or-break moment has arrived.

And the Florida senator, a home-state underdog with a week to prove he belongs in the 2016 presidential race, insists Florida will be his salvation.

Rubio’s challenge is to overtake Republican front-runner Donald Trump in Florida and beat back a late push from Ted Cruz, who senses an opportunity to sink Rubio even if he can’t win the state himself. Rubio and his GOP opponents know a loss next Tuesday in Florida would force him out of the 2016 contest and scar his future political ambitions, should he have any.

Rubio’s march for survival got steeper Tuesday night after fourth-place finishes in both Michigan and Mississippi.

Kurt Shriner:
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