Categories: Florida

How To Be An Entrepreneur While Keeping Your Corporate Salary

The world has a long way to go in solving the problems that affect us all, but there are solutions, says Berny Dohrmann, an entrepreneur and international speaker.

“We get caught up in the seeming intractability of two opposing sides, but the human race has a very long history of making things work when the going gets tough — often with solutions that are elegant in their simplicity,” say Dohrmann, chairman and founder of CEO Space International, and author of “Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution.”

“Likewise, individuals do amazing things all the time while also holding down a 9-to-5 job, like the born-again gym rat who loses 200 pounds a year, or the first-time novelist writing a best-seller, or the working parents caring for children.

It may not be as easy as walking and chewing gum, but people multitask within their daily schedules every day, and that’s why would-be entrepreneurs shouldn’t use the job that pays the bills as an excuse for not pursuing their own business,” Dohrmann says.

Working and starting a new business may not be easy, but how many things in life are easy and worthwhile?” asks Dorhmann, who discusses, who discusses tips for keeping you corporate job while fulfilling one’s dream of being an entrepreneur.

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