George W. Bush Undergoes Heart Procedure

Former President George W. Bush underwent a surgical procedure Tuesday morning in which doctors inserted a stent to open a blocked artery, aides said.

Me. Bush, 67, went for an annual physical check up at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas on Monday, and doctors discovered the blockage. He agreed to have the stent inserted at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

Aides said the procedure was completed without complication and added that Mr. Bush was awake and in high spirits. They said he was set to be released from the hospital on Wednesday and would resume a normal schedule on Thursday.

While his vice president, Dick Cheney, has had repeated heart troubles, culminating in a transplant last year, Mr. Bush has been known for his strong health and commitment to physical fitness. He was an avid runner for decades until encountering knee trouble during office. He then switched to bicycling.


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