Gaming Report Lays State’s Cards On The Table

TALLAHASSEE – The gambling scene in the Tampa area resembles the rest of the state’s: Older sites with dog and horse racing are doing less business while newer venues with slots and cards do well.

That’s one reflection from the first volume of an eagerly awaited three-part report on gambling in Florida, commissioned by the Legislature and made public earlier this month.

Officials hope the findings will help answer the thorny question of “what to do about gambling” – including whether to encourage Las Vegas-style “destination” casinos – that could drive much of next year’s legislative session.

“Florida is arguably a microcosm of U.S. gaming, with all of the forces that are shaping the industry in other states at play here,” the report said. “Absent a plan for growth, these forces will continue unabated in shaping the industry.”


Source: TBO