Gainesville: UF Recieves Complaint From Animal Rights Group

Eleventh hour for animals

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Eleventh Hour for Animals has filed a federal complaint against the University of Florida over treatment of research animals.

The Gainesville Sun ( ) reports the complaint was filed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Dec. 24. The group alleges the university violated the Animal Welfare Act in its treatment of Louis, a macaque monkey that was euthanized in 2010.

The complaint is based on documents obtained during a two-year legal battle over public records.

UF spokeswoman Janine Sikes told the newspaper the university is aware the complaint has been filed, but has not been contacted by the USDA.

She says the university is heavily monitored and is “subject to stringent and multiple federal laws.”

Karen Kline of Eleventh Hour says the treatment of Louis illustrates a “culture of negligence.”

Source: Associated Press