Today’s Fathers Do More Around The Home

ST. PETERSBURG – Today’s fathers know best:

You take a bigger role in bringing up baby, in raising children and teens. You don’t come home from work and plunk down on the couch and read the newspaper sipping a high-ball while the wife cooks dinner and the kids are out of sight.

You change diapers, take turns in the midnight feedings; you drive your children to school, soccer practice; you play catch and dolls. At times, the chores are endless, it seems.

“We share everything,” said Brian Barnes, 40 of St. Petersburg, the father of Aidan 9, and twins, Connor and Cassandra, 4. “That’s what you do.”

He and his wife, Marisa, 38, brought the children on Father’s Day to tour the U.S. Coast Guard tall ship Eagle, docked at the Port of St. Petersburg on Sunday morning.

“He does the majority of the cooking at home,” Marisa said, nodding to Brian.

A lot has changed over the course of a few decades, Brian Barnes said.

“My mom and dad were of a different generation,” he said. His father might not have gotten up to feed the baby, change diapers or clean up upchucks.

To see what else today’s dads do you must visit tbo.com

Ryan Gentry:
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