Eight Year Old Helps Deliver Baby Brother

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) _ Thanks to a 911 dispatcher, an 8-year-old Tampa girl helped her mother deliver her newborn brother while waiting for paramedics to arrive at their home. According to Tampa Fire Rescue, the girl’s mother was in labor at home Monday morning when she called 911.

The dispatcher alerted paramedics, but they weren’t quick enough to get there before the baby started to arrive. Authorities say the dispatcher “expertly and compassionately” talked the girl and her mother through the delivery of the baby boy. During the more than eight-minute call, the girl calmly relays the dispatcher’s instructions to her mother, gets towels and other items for the baby and secures the baby’s head.

When paramedics arrived, they took the baby and the mother to a hospital. Authorities say both are doing fine.

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